lørdag 5. juni 2010

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 7 Last!

Hi again everyone,

I am sorry you can get rid of me yet on the steps towards your goals :D . I want to fill you in more on how and why to make you feel a hundred percent sure that you will go for them and reach them!

The Ultimate Lessons:

The most important lesson we have learned over this last 7 blogs are that a compelling future creates a dynamic sense of growth. Without this we are only half alive. A compelling future are not a accessory, but a necessity!!! I allows us not only to achieve, but to partake of the deep sense of joy, contribution, and growth that give meaning to life itself!!
"Were there is no vision, the people perish.."

Tony Robbins tells how he have read about the astounding number of people in the US who die within three years after their retirement, which proves to us that if you lose the sense that you are producing or contributing in some way or another, you will literally lose the will to live, and that if you have a reason to hang on, YOU WILL.
In fact, studies have found out that elderly or ill people who are close to death often hang on until after the holidays!! As long as the have something like Christmas and the family visit to look forward to, they had a reason to live, but after it passed, they had no compelling future. This phenomenon is not only true for US; it`s been noted in cultures all around the world. For example, in China the death rate drops off right before major festivals, and then oicks up again right after the festivals.

It does`nt matter if you are 18 or 80 you will still need something to drive you forward. The inspiration you seek will be found within, waiting to be called upon by an unforeseen challenge or inspired request!

Colonel Harlan Sanders found it at age 65, when his meager Social Security check arrived. His anger drove him to action. We don`t have to wait for an event in order for us to have the inspiration. WE DESIGN IT!

Use your power! You know now what to do to become self inspired. IT`S TIME TO TAKE ACTION AND DO IT!!!! If you have read what I talked about in my last 7 blog post passively, right NOW go back to the start and do the exercises that I provided for you! They are a lot of fun, and very simple to do:)

  1. Get your list of the top-four goals for the year.
  2. Understand the WHY clearly"Your why have to make you cry"!
  3. Develop the habit and ritual of reviewing your goals and rehearsing the joy and feeling of their achievement daily for Ten Days!
  4. Surround yourself with the role models you need and choose those who can help you develop a plan that will guide you in making the goals you set real.
Each of these steps will bring together the forces and start pulling towards you what you truly and really have a white hot desire to get. The consistent review will also provide for you the sense of certainty that you will need to get yourself to take action.

So now you know exactly what to do to get where you want. Remember this is only the start, but if you follow up on what that I`ve talked about in the other blogs you will be a long way further to get to your goals than most people.

In some blogs before this detailed blog on setting goals I talked about how to input yourself with the right information. In order to get what you want you need to thing positive.

STOP watching TV, reading the news paper and listen to all the complaining from other people that you know and find new and positive people to hang around with. Only positive input will help. Read the books that will teach you the necessary skills and attitudes you need to develop. Have motivational CD`s stacked in your car. Download MP3`s and videos to you I-Pod. You have lots of possibilities to give yourself positive input.

How many hours do you drive for every day? When you work out do you just run? Instead of watching TV put on an inspirational/educational DVD with one of your favorite mentors.
Click on the picture below to order some of the best books available on personal development.
I could go on for hours describing ways to give you the right input through a day at work or in whatever you do:)

I am so thankful for that you want to read what I write I hope that you will achieve great things in the coming years and if I were able to help you on the way. A thank you would be beyond great!! I love to help people and I hope you will be one of the 1000 people I am on a mission to help reach their goals and dreams!

Have a beautiful day and enjoy every breath you take and feel how alive you are,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

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