fredag 25. juni 2010

Love your life!

Hi everyone,

Yet another wonderful day to live through. I am so happy to be alive and having people around me that love me. I am very thankful for being able to live in this ultimate world of unlimited possibilities.

Right now me and my wife are on our way to move out of where we are currently living and buying our new home that we are looking for that are out there.

So today I want to talk about how to love your life and how that will change the way you feel and live your life. I also will talk about how we also should love everyone around us no matter what other people have done or if they are negative.

Love is the single most powerful feeling that you could ever experience. For those of you that have experienced Love firsthand as a feeling now how powerful that feeling of being in love or love someone.

Your heart is pumping the adrenaline is flowing through your blood. I have that feeling every day with my wife. Not only do I also understand that I can not do anything to make my wife love me back, but I can give her 110% of my self and tell her, show her, compliment her and touch her to show how much I appreciate her being and her personality.

I could also give her small compliments every day to lift her current feelings up and make her happy. For who deserve to not be happy when you can choose to be happy?
I will always make sure that I am the best to my wife love her and give her affection that compliments her way of being. Her way to communicate. To show love to people start communicate the way they do for example make them feel good around you.

Love is as easy as saying that someone did a great job. Say thank you to someone that have helped you. Open the door to someone. Give a compliment to someone who have done something.

Love is in us all and love is everything. For whatever reason we are at this planet something with a lot of love most have created our existence. Think about what we can do, become and create. We are the greatest creation on the face of this planet with a unlimited potential of growth and exploring the world around us. Finding our passion to become the ultimate creation we can become.

I have chosen to give love to everyone around me because the law of giving and receiving says that whatever you give you will receive back in tenfolds.

You should also choose to live your life on introducing love as the main player in your life. Love and care about other people. Remember "People don`t care about you until they know how much you care about them". Start caring about everyone you meet!

I suggest you should do one thing with your life! Start giving people you meet a smile:) Only a little thing like that could make all the difference in a person life that day!

So remember what I told you. SMILE!!
I love to share my knowledge with you from what I have learned from the tens upon hundereds of mentors I have.

I want all of you to have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your life and love every second of it!
John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)

onsdag 23. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

Learn to have a Attitude of Gratitude in your life:
Take a look at this little video clip and attach some of the thoughts into your life.

Be grateful!!

Hi everyone,

It has been a little while since I were able to write to you on my blog, but I am back:) Hope you have had some wonderful days since last and enjoyment with family, friends and business partners and people you have crossed paths along the way!!

Today is yet another great day in the history of me! I have truly been able to enjoy a lot of fun. Me and my beautiful wife Quinn went golfing on Monday. The rain poured sown and the mosquitoes were all over us, but except from that we had a lot of fun improving our golf game. I truly look up to my wife. She is the person that keeps me on track every day and makes me want to live my life to the very fullest every day.
I am so truly grateful for being alive and having so many great people in my life and being able to meet so many positive people.

Today I thought we should talk about Gratefulness and what it can give you in life.

To be grateful is to be thankful for everything that you have got so far in life. I would like for you to sit down for a moment and really think what am I grateful for in life?

I will help you a little on the way by sharing what I am grateful for right now:
I am grateful for....
  • That I am alive
  • That the weather is great
  • That I have a wife that loves me and shows it in every way
  • That I am positive every day
  • That I have overcome the fear of public speaking
  • That I am on my way to get a new house with my wife
  • That I have a laptop that I can share you what I am passionate about with you and the rest of the world.
  • That I have eliminated my negative emotions by including them in my life, but not letting them stop me.
  • That I have met a lot of positive people today
  • That I got a new customer that will help me grow my business today.
  • That I will become a role model for 1000s and 1000000s of people in the coming years
  • That I have money for food and housing
  • That I feel awesome today
  • That my wife works for us holding us intact financially while I build my business.
  • That I have a family
  • That I live in Canada
  • That I have made a lot of great friends and contacts the last year
  • That I have been able to golf a lot this year
  • That I will grow my business and retire by the age of 30
  • That I have a car
  • That I have clothes
  • That I have a great extended family
  • That my wife is doing great at work.
  • That I have been able to help my wife dear to dream
  • That I live in Winnipeg
  • That I have a videophone that I can stay in contact with my family in Norway
  • That Our family loves us
  • That I love my wife
  • That I have no fears for the future and what it might bring
  • That I am on the way to secure my financial future forever
  • That I had a hot chocolate at StarBucks
  • That i am Healthy
  • That I can see
  • That I have the potential to achieve everything I set my mind into
  • That I can listen to a lot of great mentors
  • That I live a life far beyond my early expectations
  • That my father is my business partner
  • That I work with the greatest opportunity in the world
  • That The founders of the company I work with is committed to be the greatest
  • That it were featured in a lot of the biggest publications around the world
  • I am grateful for the services we provide
  • I am grateful for that my mom is happy in life
  • I am grateful for being able to be mentored by some of the worlds biggest achievers in history every day
  • That I will Have another now for hundred upon hundred of times coming up
  • That If I am positive I will bring a lot of positiveness into my life
  • That I got married
  • That I went to school
  • That I graduated with the best degree from Trades school/College
  • That I have worked with a lot of interesting people and got to know the better
  • That I have great friends
  • That a lot of people care about me
  • That I am a champion in the making
  • That I am on my way to getting to know and utalize the tools of becoming successful in life
  • That I will have a great car in the future
  • That me and my wife will travel all over the world to our best top 100 destinations.
  • That we will renew our vows on Hawaii next year.
  • That I am a member of BNI
  • That I can inspire people with my position in BNI
  • That I am a member of JCI

I could probably go on forever! First times when I started I really did`nt understand the word grateful or what it meant, but what I learned is that you can be grateful for anything in your life. It does`nt have to be big.

When you start the process of being grateful and write it down you will understand that a lot of things that happened in your life change the course of your life to where you are at right now. Everything I have done before my current now have made me get to where I am now. Start being grateful for being alive as a start.

Your potential is infinite and ready for you taking advantage of it. Enjoy your journey in life and with the people you meet and help along the way to your purpose in life and you will get back.

I love ever day and second of my life, who I get to spend my time with and are around at any given moment of my current now.

Love your life to your fullest every single micro second of your life it is 100% worth starting to do it!!

Have a awesome day and live your life as today were the last and be grateful for where you are currently at.

John Thore Stub Sneisen
Give me a call for a positive chat: +1 204-688-1496 or +1 204-272-1496
Send me a email:

lørdag 19. juni 2010

How to stay positive and don`t let emotions stop you

Hi everyone,

Wow what a great week it has been. So much fun and great business coming my way. Me and my beautiful wife will go golfing with her father hopefully on fathers day. I truly enjoy my life more and more every day and more positive people are coming into my life every day.

It is so much fun to be excited and positive all the time. There is no reason for staying negative?

Well you can have all the reasons in the world for staying negative and don`t get anywhere in your life. I could if I want to probably come up with hundreds of excuses and negative things in my life right now. There is "so much" to be negative about if I wanted to, but I have learned that you can choose if you want to be positive or negative.

That is truly my greatest discovery in life. WOW can you choose?? Yes, you can I can choose to say:

Negative: I am so worried and hope me and my wife get money for our house that we are looking for. What if we don`t find it soon what if it will take us months.

Positive: Can`t wait until we will be moving into the new house that are waiting for us!!

Negative: I don`t have too much of an income right now. What if my wife lost her job. We would be broke.

Positive: It is so exciting to build our business and become financial free. And I am so thankful for the work my wife put in to help us when we are working on becoming financial independent.

It were a little hard to find those negative thoughts, but I had to to make an example for you. This is true examples for me right now and I am on the positive side.

Sometimes we feel down or out of energy. Stay positive and those times will come very few times to you. I have learned from my great teacher and Mentor George Zalucki to feel the feelings don`t try to block them out, but let it be ok to feel the feelings and include them. Don`t let them stop you from taking action and let fear kick inn. Say okey this is what I am feeling right now, but I wont let that stop me from going where I want in life.

Remember back to your dreams and goals: "Your WHY have to make you cry". Have something big enough that you are reaching for that are so big that it wont let any emotions or feelings stop you from getting in the direction you would have to go to reach your personal goals.

Another thing you can do to is when you feel down or a little sick: Say to yourself or others I feel awesome or great today.

Negative: I have a bad headache and I feel sooooo sick I just want to be in bed.

Positive: I will just drink a lot of water to get that headache away that is so great that I can just do that little to feel better!!

Negative: I feel so crappy today I don`t want to wake up today. I just want to lie in the bed all day.

Positive: What a beautiful day to get things done and get closer to achieve my goals.

Negative: I have been raining so much today. What a horrible day.

Positive: It`s so great to get some rain finally and the walk with my dog today were so energizing.

There is so easy to change from negative to positive. Just replace your negative feelings with the counterpart.

eks. Sad - Happy

A little one from My grandmothers funeral:

My mom had the speech about her mom and it was so funny. She told about all the fun things that happened in her life with my grandmother and their family. I remembered so many great experiences and fun things I had with my grandmother. She were the one that always said to me you can do that John!!! Thanks Else. She was a wonderful and funny person. I laughed soo much at the funeral that my stomach ached. I cant wait to my funeral people will laugh their a** off:)

We should love who we are. We can become great things in life and leave legacies after us. Why not go for that instead of sitting around feeling bad about your life!!!

Live, love and laugh for the rest of your life. You deserve to become great it is there for the taking.

Have a awesome weekend,

John Thore Stub Sneisen


onsdag 16. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

Here is a great morning exercise that everyone should do all the days of the week!!
This girl is really my BIG role model :)

Have a lovely day!!
Golf tomorrow!!

tirsdag 15. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

How to bring certain things into your life!

Hi everyone,

Hope you have had a awesome week and truly enjoyed your life with great friends, family and met a lot of very interesting people or changed someones life by sharing some of your life changing insights. I have met so many interesting people lately. I looks like I have become a magnet of interesting people that have something great that they are up to. So I have really met people that literally have altered my path a little which is beyond exciting.

When you think positive your life will rapidly start changing the direction of the life in which where your current thoughts! Thoughts are a super powerful tool. "What you think you will become" Thoughts are so powerful that everything that is today were and started as a thought. Things are thoughts evolved through action into reality.

So think a little! What king of thoughts have I been thinking today? Are these thoughts moving me closer to where I want to be or are they sabotaging me to go to my goal? Ask yourself that every day and you will start to become aware of the reality that your thoughts are creating your current path.

Also be aware of that thoughts that you have had have got you where you are today. That is great though if you have arrived at a great place, but If you don`t that is fine too. Just accept your current reality, but tell yourself that you are now aware of that what you think you become so you will constantly make sure that you will give yourself positive input.

A way of positive input is affirmations tell yourself how successful you will be say I am on my way to create an abundance of wealth and happiness in my life. Another way is to read books on personal development that will send you in the right direction of what skills you need to develop or what you want to aquire. An example is that you want to invest. Read a book on investing! You want to learn more how you can attract things that you want into your life read books on The Law Of Attraction.
This is not things that you have to do in your extra time, just stop watching that 1 hour of TV a day and then you have`nt added more time you have just replaced something that are not getting you where you want with a habit that will get you closer to where you want.

Remember Knowledge is power. Leaders are readers. So that is one of the more smarter things to do also you can attend seminars that will help you get hands on experience with the skill you need to aquire.

So today find your path by reading my blogs on how to take steps towards your goals and start doing the exercises to become a goal achieving machine.

Abundance in everything is there for the taking it is up to you to take the steps towards it to achieve your goals and dreams!!

Hope that were some good insight for you and that you can apply some of the things I talked about. Together lets shoot for the moon at least you will hit the starts if you miss!!

Have a wonderful day everyone and love your life and find your true passion!

John Thore Stub Sneisen (c)

torsdag 10. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

This Coach is explaining the four different communication styles :)

Why is it important to know which way you communicate with others?

Today the rain is pouring down, but I woke up today knowing no matter what this day will make another great chapter in the life of myself! :)

So lets talk a little about the why to start understanding how others might communicate different from you. For around a month ago I talked about the Law of Connection and how we as people have 4 different ways of communicating with each other.

There are:

  • Visual
  • Auditory

  • Kinesthetic

  • Digital

Communicating people out there.

Once we recognize how our own communication style you will understand why you state things or ask questions in a particular way.

Understanding how other people`s styles work and how they receive and communicate the way they do.

Having that information will allow you to be more flexible and calibrate(communicate their way) your communication style so that you create rapport(that they like to communicate with you better) and improve your connections with all the different styles of communicater`s.

By getting to know the four styles of communicating you will be able to build rapport with all people you meet no matter how they communicate.

Having this information will let you be able to help yourself in a lot of differet areas of life and all professions or businesses you might run.

Here are some great areas to use this information:

  • That your style of communication is different from your partner or spouse.

  • A mother of four children might find that all four of them have different ways of communicate.

  • Your friends might have different ways of communicate that might fit your way or not.

  • A manager, supervisor or leader will usually have employees and co-workers with all styles.

  • A Teacher usually have all the different communication styles in his or hers classes.

  • Sales people will also have clients and customers with all four different styles.

So here you have a little info on why you are thinking differently than other people and sometimes might get frustrated with others because they are not like you in the way they communicate.

So it is time to start looking more into the way we are as communicators and how we can calibrate our self to make other people understand us better.

Have a wonderful day and remember to do and live it as it were your last day on earth,

John Thore Stub Sneisen

lørdag 5. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

Here is an introduction of what the Bleep Do we know? Down the rabbit hole.
So it is all up to you how far down the rabbit hole you would like to go!

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 7 Last!

Hi again everyone,

I am sorry you can get rid of me yet on the steps towards your goals :D . I want to fill you in more on how and why to make you feel a hundred percent sure that you will go for them and reach them!

The Ultimate Lessons:

The most important lesson we have learned over this last 7 blogs are that a compelling future creates a dynamic sense of growth. Without this we are only half alive. A compelling future are not a accessory, but a necessity!!! I allows us not only to achieve, but to partake of the deep sense of joy, contribution, and growth that give meaning to life itself!!
"Were there is no vision, the people perish.."

Tony Robbins tells how he have read about the astounding number of people in the US who die within three years after their retirement, which proves to us that if you lose the sense that you are producing or contributing in some way or another, you will literally lose the will to live, and that if you have a reason to hang on, YOU WILL.
In fact, studies have found out that elderly or ill people who are close to death often hang on until after the holidays!! As long as the have something like Christmas and the family visit to look forward to, they had a reason to live, but after it passed, they had no compelling future. This phenomenon is not only true for US; it`s been noted in cultures all around the world. For example, in China the death rate drops off right before major festivals, and then oicks up again right after the festivals.

It does`nt matter if you are 18 or 80 you will still need something to drive you forward. The inspiration you seek will be found within, waiting to be called upon by an unforeseen challenge or inspired request!

Colonel Harlan Sanders found it at age 65, when his meager Social Security check arrived. His anger drove him to action. We don`t have to wait for an event in order for us to have the inspiration. WE DESIGN IT!

Use your power! You know now what to do to become self inspired. IT`S TIME TO TAKE ACTION AND DO IT!!!! If you have read what I talked about in my last 7 blog post passively, right NOW go back to the start and do the exercises that I provided for you! They are a lot of fun, and very simple to do:)

  1. Get your list of the top-four goals for the year.
  2. Understand the WHY clearly"Your why have to make you cry"!
  3. Develop the habit and ritual of reviewing your goals and rehearsing the joy and feeling of their achievement daily for Ten Days!
  4. Surround yourself with the role models you need and choose those who can help you develop a plan that will guide you in making the goals you set real.
Each of these steps will bring together the forces and start pulling towards you what you truly and really have a white hot desire to get. The consistent review will also provide for you the sense of certainty that you will need to get yourself to take action.

So now you know exactly what to do to get where you want. Remember this is only the start, but if you follow up on what that I`ve talked about in the other blogs you will be a long way further to get to your goals than most people.

In some blogs before this detailed blog on setting goals I talked about how to input yourself with the right information. In order to get what you want you need to thing positive.

STOP watching TV, reading the news paper and listen to all the complaining from other people that you know and find new and positive people to hang around with. Only positive input will help. Read the books that will teach you the necessary skills and attitudes you need to develop. Have motivational CD`s stacked in your car. Download MP3`s and videos to you I-Pod. You have lots of possibilities to give yourself positive input.

How many hours do you drive for every day? When you work out do you just run? Instead of watching TV put on an inspirational/educational DVD with one of your favorite mentors.
Click on the picture below to order some of the best books available on personal development.
I could go on for hours describing ways to give you the right input through a day at work or in whatever you do:)

I am so thankful for that you want to read what I write I hope that you will achieve great things in the coming years and if I were able to help you on the way. A thank you would be beyond great!! I love to help people and I hope you will be one of the 1000 people I am on a mission to help reach their goals and dreams!

Have a beautiful day and enjoy every breath you take and feel how alive you are,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 6

Hi everyone,

Hope you are enjoying the great weather either if it is a hurricane or the burning sun of Sahara:)

Here in Manitoba momentum is getting it going several tornadoes around the city where I live. So interesting to see all the great powers that the unique world we live in have to share. All the experiences that we are able to have such as meeting new people, falling in love, getting new friends, meeting someone who is up to something great and just be able to live in this world that learns me something new every single day I am alive.

I am truly grateful of being a human on this earth and born with a unlimited potential of accomplishment and greatness.

Today I will be talking a little more about one of the most important parts of a goal after you have set your goals, taken action and are working towards your goals.

Program yourself for success:

Now that we have the goals that truly inspire us, that will drive us forward, we`ve got to make them so compelling that they feel real in your nervous system. How do we develop that Ironclad sense of certainty??

  1. Clear away any roadblocks by figuring up front front what could possibly prevent you, and deal with them now rather now than fifty miles down the road.
  2. Then you`ll have to make a commitment to people you know will hold you to your higher standard.
  3. Reinforce your new neural pathways by continues rehearsal, with repetition and emotional intensity. Imagine your goals vividly again and again. Incorporate the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic elements that you will make your goals a reality!
I am talking about nervous system. What is that? The Nervous system in your brain is basically a net of small cells called neurons. They connect with each other creating a net of cells that work together creating habitats. They have found out that certain cells when people find out that there is more to something that they thought were reality the neurons will start connecting with other cells and your neuron net will start to recreate it self.
A brain can aprox. 10 million bits per second you can only consciously be able to read 2000 bits per second.
So there is a lot more than we think we see consciously. Remember our brain mostly works subconsciously from what we give as inputs to it. Our Emotions, but most important our thoughts.

You should definitively read this book and watch this Movie to get to know more about what is around us and how amazing of a creation you are as a human being!!!!!!!!!!

Mark my word on that! We Are truly amazing!!!

Thanks for reading this and hopefully you have now taken action towards your goals and know what to do to input what you need to get there you want!

Have an incredible weekend!!!!
John Thore Stub Sneisen

fredag 4. juni 2010

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 5

Hi everyone,

Great weather again today! When is this awesome weather going to stop :D Never. The weather will always be great in my eyes:) I hope that you will have an enjoyable start on your weekend.

Today I will be relaxing and enjoying the awesome weather:) Hopefully the weekend will be as great as today. With fun and joy all day long.

Today I will be talking about the most important part about setting goals. The most important step you can take to get you a lot closer to your goals than most people:)

The Most Important Step:

For several years I have had goals and have not followed through on them. I would get inspired in the moment, all pumped up and get going, but in 1-2 months time I started noticing that I did`nt follow through on anything that I had been writing down.

Writing your goals is of course the first step, and even most people does`nt even do that.; Just the action of committing your ideas to a piece of paper begins to make them real.
But the most important thing you can do to achieve your goals is to make sure that as soon as you have set them, you have to right away begin to create momentum. The most important rules that you should adopt to help you achieving your goals is to first write down the goal first, and then to never leave the site of setting a goal without first taking some form of positive action toward its attainment.

A true decision is one that you act upon, and act upon right now! Use the momentum you`ve built up in coming up with your top four One-Year goals.
The most powerful way to continue this momentum is to take immediate action as soon as you finish reading my Take your first steps towards your goal Blog. Even the smallest step aphonecall, a commitment, creating a game plan will move you forward.
Then develop a list of simple things you can do every day for the next ten days to get you closer to what you desire, your goals.

I can promise you that ten days of small actions in the direction of your goals will begin to create a chain of habits that will ensure your long-term success. If your number one personal development goal is to learn how to dance Salsa, for instance, "let your fingers do the walk for you" through those yellow pages today. Call the dance studio for a schedule, and enroll in a class.

If your to/adventure goal for the next year is to buy a Porche Cayenne Turbo, call your local dealership for a brochure, visit the this afternoon and take a test drive. I am not saying that you would have to buy it today, but at least find out how much it would cost you or drive it so it becomes more real. Your intensified desire will help you to start putting together a plan.
If your to economic goal for the next year is to earn $100k, then start evaluating now what steps you must take. Who is already earning this amount of income who can teach you their key to their effectiveness? Do you need to get a second job or start up a network marketing business to earn that kind of income? What skills and attitudes do you need to aquire in order to achieve it? Do you need to start saving more money than you spend, and invest the difference so that your income can flow from more than just your work? Do you need to start a new venture? What is the resources that you need to gather in order to get there?
Remember, you need to experience the feeling of achieving your top one-year goals in each of the four categories at least once a day.

Ideally, you`ll look at them once in the morning and once at night. Review your entire list ever six months to ensure that your goals stay vital. You may want to go through the brainstorming process again in order to create some new goals, and I am sure you`ll want to add and delete goals as your life will take on a exciting new shape.

An additional distinction that is critical for your long-term success is that achieving our goals can be a curse unless we have already set up a new set of higher goals before we reach the first. As soon as you will find yourself about to achieve a goal, you need to make sure that you design the next set of goals immediately. Otherwise you will experience something we all need to avoid: outrunning our dream. How many times have we read about people who achieve their ultimate life goals only to say, "Is that all there is??" because they feel they have no place to go from the top? A classic example of this is several Apollo astronauts who prepared their entire lives for the ultimate mission: to land on the moon. When they finally did it they were euphoric, but after returning to the earth, some of them developed a level of emotional depression beyond what most people could imagine. After all, there was now nothing to look forward to. What could be a bigger goal than making it to the moon, doing the impossible, and exploring the outer space? Maybe the answer is in exploring the equally uncharted frontier of inner space in our minds, our hearts and our souls?
Also another example could be a young woman who plan her wedding for months, sometimes years, pouring all their creativity, resources, and even identity, into a perfect fairytale fantasy. They pin all their hopes and dreams on what they expect to be a once-in-alifetime event. After all the glow wears off, the young bride, like the astronaut, feels down. How do you follow up the peak moment of your life? She needs to look forward to the more important, never-ending adventure of building the relationship with her spouse. How do people achieve their heart`s desire and still feel the excitement and passion that come from aiming toward a goal?
As they approach what they`ve pursued for so long, they immediately establish a new set of compelling goals. This guarantees a smooth transition from completion to new inspiration and a continued commitment to growth. Without that commitment, we`ll do what is necessary to feel satisfied, but we lose our desire to expand, and we begin to lose the momentum and we stagnate. Often people die emotional and spiritual deaths long before they leave their physical bodies.

The way to break out of this trap is to realize that contribution may be the ultimate goal. Finding a way to help others(those we care about deeply) can inspire us a lifetime. There is always a place in the world for those who are willing to give their time, energy, capital, creativity and commitment.

Lets talk about Robin Williams. Here is a man who has a great advantage over his late friend John Belushi because he has discovered a way to make sure he never run out of goals. Robin and his friends Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal, have found a mission that will continually tap their greatest resources: helping the homeless. Arnold Schwarzenegger has found a similar emotional reward in his relationship with the Special Olympics and the President`s Council of Physical fitness.
All of these successful people have learned that there is nothing quite so compelling as a feeling of sincere contribution.

Make sure your next level of dreams will continually pull you forward in a constant, never-ending search for improvement. A Commitment to Constant and never ending Improvement is truly the universal insurance policy for life-long happiness.

Remember that a compelling future is the food on which our souls thrive, we all need a continued sense of emotional and spiritual growth.

So now you know what to get past in order to make your goals a lot more achieve able than they might have been before or you learned if you achieve your lifetime goal or a great goal. Always aim for the next dream/goal before you achieve your current. It will put you in a never ending cycle which is awesome and life changing for you.

NEXT blogging will be how to program yourself even deeper for the success you will achieve in the future thorough your goals.

Hope you share this weekend with your great family and friends and help them towards where they want to go through this weekend and make this weekend to be remembered in the history book of your life.

"Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has left you".
Love your life,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

torsdag 3. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

Hi everyone,

Here is todays video. This guy is truly amazing. He has autism, but that does`nt stop this awesome person to be a truly inspirational human being. He have never been thought anything about music, but have learned everything by listening to music. That is so amazing!!!

Enjoy and love and happiness to all of you,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 4

Hi Everyone,

Hope all is happiness, love and a lot of fun for you all:) It is yet another wonderful day in beautiful, gorgeous Manitoba. Sun is shining and a lot of fun with golfing :) I hope this weekend with good weather to go Tubeing in the river where my in-laws live :) That is basically floating on a rubber tube down the river for a little over an hour. Witch is truly relaxing and chilling.

I can`t stop loving every day here. When I first came to Canada for to meet my wife I sat beside someone on the plain that could not believe why I found a girl in Winnipeg of all places :D
Well people prejudge all the time. I have learned from all of my mentor never to prejudge anyone!!! Never ever do it.
Today I will be talking about What is the actual purpose of setting a goal?

The Purpose Of The Goal:

Often when we pursue our goals we fail to realize the true impact on the environment around us. We also think that by achieving our goal that is the end. But if we had a greater understanding we`d often realize in the pursuit of our goals, we set in motion processional effects that have consequences even more far than we ever intended. After all, does the honey bee know that by looking for honey it also propagate flowers?

Of course not, but in the process of seeking the sweet nectar of flowers, a bee will invariably pick up pollen on it legs, fly to the next flower, and set in motion a chain of pollination that will result in a hillside awash in colors.

The business person is pursuing profits, and by doing so it will result in jobs that offer people a chance for incredible personal growth and an increase in the quality of life. The process of earning a livelihood enables people to meet such goals as putting their kids through college. Children in turn contribute by becoming doctors, lawyers, business people, scientists and parents.

The chain will be never ending!

Goals are a means to an end, not the ultimate purpose of our lives.
They are simply tools to concentrate our focus and be able to move in a direction. The only reason we are pursue goals is to cause ourselves to grow and expand as human beings.

Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term; it`s who you become, as you overcome obstacles and challenges necessary to achieve your goals, that can give you the deepest and the most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.

So maybe the key question you and me need to ask is, "What kind of person will I have to become in order to achieve all I want?" This may be the most important question that we can ask ourself, for the answer of that question will determine the direction we need to head personally.

Please take a moment now, and write a paragraph describing all the character traits, skills, abilities, attitudes and beliefs that you would need to develop in order to achieve all of the goals you`ve written down previously. Certainly you`ll have to take action to achieve those goals. But what qualities would you need to aquire as a person i order to turn the invisible set of commitments into your visible reality? Before we will be going further into it, take a moment right now and write this paragraph.

Next time we will be going further into what to do and I will be talking about the single most important step to take to get into action and start going where you want with all the goals and the things that I have talked about above.

I loved sharing this with you and look forward to take action with you on these steps.

Have a awesome day,
Live today as it were the last day of your life,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

tirsdag 1. juni 2010

Video of the day!!

Hi everyone,

Here is something fun to make you laugh and start thinking!!

Have a wonderful day,
John Thore Stub Sneisen