lørdag 29. mai 2010

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 3

Hi everyone,

I have had a great morning meeting and met a lot of positive great friends. Awesome and I must say the day started with a blast literally. The lightnings struck everywhere and the water pouring down everywhere making the road look like a small lake some places.

What more can you actually ask for?

I love getting energized in the morning so I went up on the roof with a steel pipe and put it in the air and GOT energized for the next month:) hehe.. A little joke :)

So today we will be talking about How to make our goals real. The days before we went through how to set your goals and how to find the main goals for this year to work on.

How to make your goals real:
Now that you have set compelling goals and clear-cut reasons for their achievement , the process for making your goals real have already begun. Your Reasons will become sensitized as you review your goals and reasons, and you will attract to you any resource of value toward the achievement of your clearly defined desire.
To ensure the absolute attainment of your goals, you must condition your nervous system in advance to feel the pleasure they will surely bring. In other words, at least twice a day, you must rehearse and emotionally enjoy the experience of achieving each one of your most valued goals.
Each time you do this, you need to create more emotionally joy as you see, feel and hear yourself living your dream.

This continues focus will create what we call a "neural pathway" (Your neurons in your brain will connect and make it a habit) between where you are and where you want to go. Because of this intense and extreme conditioning you`ll find yourself in a sense of absolute certainty that you will achieve your desires, and this certainty will translate into a quality of action that ensures your success. Your confidence will allow you to attract the appropriate coaches, mentors and role models who will guide you to taking the most effective actions to produce results quickly rather than the traditional trail-and-error method that can take decades and more.

Don`t let it wait another day. Don`t procrasinate with the process.


So now we have looked at how you can visualize in your own mind and be in your mind when you have achieved the goal. Feel, see and hear what happens. It is extraordinary to be able to be there in your mind. It feels soooo real I love being there and I am 110% committed to be where my most important goals are.

Lets make it together. I will talk next time about why we should set a goal in the first place? What is the reason that make goal setters achieve a lot more than people that don`t do it.

I wish you all an awesome weekend and have a lot of fun with great friends, family and everyone else you meet. Bee grateful for getting another day here on this beautiful earth!!

Live, Love and Laugh every day,
John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)

fredag 28. mai 2010

Video of the day!!

Hi everyone,

Here comes a little video for you to watch during the weekend. Tony Robbins is one of my many great mentors. Tony Robbins is from my opinion the number one motivational speaker of the world.

I wish you a lot of love and happines and fun during this weekend. Enjoy.

Make someone happy give them a smile or a compliment this weekend. If everyone did that how many peoples days would be saved and they will be happy.

John Thore Stub Sneisen

Take your first steps Towards your Goal. part 2

Hi everyone,

It is yet another wonderful day! Thunder and rain what can I say it makes me in a great mood. My mom always said it is "Thore Weather" today after the god of thunder and lightning in the the Norse Mythology. Thats why I enjoy it. Natures forces is unleashed so powerful and beautiful.

As I promised from last blog we were talking about the basics of taking your first steps towards your goals. We were talking about the personal development goals. Because to reach your ultimate goals you need to become a better person too :)

Career, Business and Economic goals:

You have now set your personal development goals. It is time to go further forward and set more important goals.

Step 1.
Write down anything you want for your career, business and financial life.

What levels of financial abundance do you want to achieve? To what position in your business/company do you want to achieve? NOW take a few minutes and create your million dollar worth list.

Do you want to earn:
$50.000 a year?
$100.000 a year?
$500.000 a year?
$1 million a year?
$10 million a year?
So much that you could possible count in?

What goals do you have for your company?
Would you like to be able to take your company public?
Would you like to be ahead in your industry a leading company?

What do you want your net worth to be?
When do you want to retire?
How much residual income would you like to have so you don`t have to ever work again?
By what age would you want to reach financial independence? (When you have more residual income consistently every month than your current expenses).

What are your money management goals? Do you need to?
Balance your budget?
Balance your checkbook?
Get a financial Coach?

What investments would you like to make?
Finance an exciting Start-Up Business?
Buy a vintage coin collection?
Start a diaper deliver business?
Start up a network marketing business?
Invest in real estate?
Invest in precious metals?
Invest in a pension plan?

How much would you like to save towards giving your kids college education?

How much do you want to be able to spend on travelling and adventures?

How much do you want to spend on new "TOYS"?

What are your career goals?
What would you like to contribute to your company?
What breakthroughs would you like to create for your company?
Would you like to become a supervisor? A manager? A CEO?
What would you like to be known for within your profession?
What kind of impact would you like to have?

Step 2.

Now that you got a list of goals for your personal development that you can get excited about, take a minute now to make a timeline to each and everyone of these.

At this stage it is not important to know how you are going to accomplish these goals. Just give yourself a time frame from witch to operate.Remember GOALS are dreams with a deadline.

The simple act of deciding when you`ll achieve a goal sets in motion conscious and unconscious forces to make goals a reality. So if you are committed to accomplishing a goal within one year or less, put a 1 next to it. If you are committed to accomplishing it within three years, put a 3 next to it and so on 5, 10, 20, and more.

Step 3.

Now choose your single important one year goal in this category a goal that, if you managed to accomplish it in one year, will give you tremendous excitement and make you feel that this year was well invested.

Now take Two minutes to write down about why you are absolutely committed to achieving this goal within a year. Why is this compelling ? What will you gain by achieving it? What would you miss out on if you did`nt achieve it? Are these reasons strong enough to actually get you follow through? If not. Either come up with a better goal or better reasons.

Goals alone can inspire, but knowing the deepest reasons for why you want them in the first place can provide you with the long-lasting drive and motivation necessary to persist and achieve.

Toys, Fun and Adventure goals:

If there were no limits for you economically, what are some of the things you would like to have? What are some of the things you would like to do? I you were Alladin and you brushed the lamp the genie came out and said you would get one wish fulfilled, what would that wish be? What do you want to have most in the world?

Step 1.
Take around five minutes write down everything you would want, have do or experience in your life.
Here is some questions to get you going and help you find out:

What would you like to build, purchase or create?
A Cottage?
A Castle?
A Beach house?
A Catamaran sailboat?
A Private yacht?
A Island?
A Black Ferrari Enzo?
A Chanel Wardrobe?
A Helicopter?
A Private Jet?
A Music Studio?
A Art collection?
A Private zoo with some exotic animals?
A Hugh aquarium in your living room?
A Virtual Reality Machine?
A home Cinema room?

Would you like to attend a?
Opening of a Broadway play?
Film premiere in Cannes?
Bruce Springsteen concert?
Kabuki theater production in Osaka, Japan?

Would you like to do?
Race any of the andrettis at the next Indy 500?
Play against or at the same team as any of your favorite athletes?
Pitch in the World Series?
Play in The Soccer World Cup?
Carry the Olympic torch?
Go one-on-one with Michael Jordan?
Play on the PGA/LPGA tour?
Swim with the dolphins at the coast of Peru?
Race camels between the pyramids of Egypt with your best friend and Win?
Travel across USA?
Hike through the Grand Canyons or through the Andes Mountains?
Trek with the Sherpas in the Himalayas?

Would you like to:
Star in a Broadway play?
Share an on-screen kiss with Kim Basinger?
Dirty Dance with Enrique Inglesias?
Choreograph a modern ballet with Mikhail Baryshnikov?

What exotic places would you visit?
Sail around the world like Thor Heyerdahl On The Kon-Tiki?
Visit Tanzania and study chimpanzees with Jane Goodall?
Sail on the Calypso with Jacques Cousteau?
Lounge on the sands of the French Riviera?
Sail a yacht around the Greek Isles?
Participate in the Dragons Festivals in China?
Take part in a shadow dance in Bangkok?
Scuba dive in Fiji?
Meditate in a Buddhist monastery?
Take a stroll through the Prado in Madrid?
Book a ride on the next space shuttle ride?
Have a dinner with your girlfriend, fiance or wife on a deserted beach on an isle in Bora Bora?

Next remember to do Step 2 and Step 3 over again:)

I would love to do a couple of those last things because me myself have a huge list of travel destinations. If you have watched my blog I added a picture of the list when I talked about dream boards.

Contribution goals:

These goals can be the most inspiring, compelling of all goals, because this is your opportunity to leave your mark, and create a legacy that will leave a huge difference and change in many peoples life`s. It could be something as simple as tithing to your church or committing your household to a recycling program, or as broad as setting up a foundation to offer opportunity for disadvantaged people.

Step 1
Take a moment and lets brainstorm the possibilities:

How could you contribute? Could you?
Help build a shelter for the homeless?
Adopt a child?
Volunteer for a soup kitchen?
Read to the blind?
Visit a man or a woman serving a Sentence in the prison?
Volunteer with a Peace Corps for six months?
Take balloons to an old folks home?

How could you help to?
Protect the Ozone layer?
Clean up the Oceans?
Eliminate racial discrimination?
Halt the destruction of the Rain Forests?

What could you create? Would you:
Come up with an invention that will help people live better that have a handicap?
Develop a car that runs on garbage?
Design a system to distribute food to all those who hunger?

And so on and so on. It is very important to give back to society or people in any kind of way. What you give you will receive back in tenfolds is a saying that I totally agree with.

Now Just do as you did above repeat Step 2 and Step 3. Now you have set your goals.

Now you should have 4 master 1 year goals that you will set your definitive focus on in the coming year. This goals should excite and inspire you to do whatever it takes in your life to make it happen. If still not. Keep on re evaluate your goals until you have a goal that will wake you up in the morning and make you say"WOW What a great day for working on accomplish my goals." When you are at that state you will never let anything or anybody stop you from doing whatever it takes to reach yor set goal.
Having a strong enough why provide you with the how. Make sure that you have these goals available every day look at them and evaluate where you are in the making of the goal and what needs to be done that day to make you take steps towards achieving those goal.

Next I will be talking about How To Make Your Goals Real.

So I am so excited that we are there. You are now finished with something that only around 3 percent of the human population will do. You should be crazy excited!!
I am for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderfully awesome weekend and enjoy whatever kind of weather the Eart may have to give you,

John Thore Stub Sneisen 2010(c)

torsdag 27. mai 2010

Video of the day!!

Hi everyone,

Here is a "little wake up call" to all of us that are complaining about something :)
Live your life to the fullest! I do so and so should everyone do:)

Enjoy and have a wonderful day!
Nick is a great human being that everyone should apply what he teach:)

onsdag 26. mai 2010

Take your first steps Towards your Goal.

Hi everyone,

Today I would like to help you ahead on how to reach your goal. I will first cover the most important one. Take the desicion to take the first steps towards your Goal.

By doing this we are on our way to make the invisible into the visible.

You will build up the anticipation so great that you can`t wait to take the first steps towards your greatness and your goal.

I am going to cover fast 4 main areas of goals:

  1. Personal development goals
  2. Career, business and economic goals
  3. Toys and adventures goals
  4. Contribution goals

For each of these set a certain amount of time to Brainstorm. Write rapidly and don`t self censor yourself! Just get everything down on a piece of paper.

What do I want for my life if I can have it whatever way I wanted to? What would I go for if I know I would not fail? Suspend the need to know precisely how.
Do this without questioning or doubting your capabilities.
Remember if you get inspired enough you will awaken the fire and desire within yourself. And you will find the power to Manifest your desire!

So right now put yourself in a state of mind of total faith and expectation that you can create anything you want!

1. Personal development goals

Step 1:
Write down everything in your life that you`d like to improve in your life that relates to your own personal growth.
Brainstorm for a minimum of 5 minutes and never stop writing!

Here are some Questions to ask yourself:
What would you like to learn?
What are some skills you would like to master in your lifetime?
What are some Character traits you would like to develop?
What do you want your friends to be?
What do you want to be?

What could you do for your physical Well-being?
Get a massage every day? Every week?
Create the body of your dreams?
Join a gym - And actually use it?
Hire a vegetarian Chef?
Complete a Iron man Triathlon?

Would you like to conquer your fear of flying?
Or of public speaking?
Or of swimming?
Or of ......?

What would you want to learn?
To speak a language?
Study the dead scrolls?
Dance or Sing?
Study with violin virtuoso Itzhak Perman?
Who else would you like to study with?
Would you like to take in an foreign exchange student?

Step 2.

Now that you got a list of goals for your personal development that you can get excited about, take a minute now to make a timeline to each and everyone of these.

At this stage it is not important to know how you are going to accomplish these goals. Just give yourself a time frame from witch to operate. Remember GOALS are dreams with a deadline.

The simple act of deciding when you`ll achieve a goal sets in motion conscious and unconscious forces to make goals a reality. So if you are committed to accomplishing a goal within one year or less, put a 1 next to it. If you are committed to accomplishing it within three years, put a 3 next to it and so on 5, 10, 20, and more.

Step 3.

Now choose your single important one year goal in this category a goal that, if you managed to accomplish it in one year, will give you tremendous excitement and make you feel that this year was well invested.

Now take Two minutes to write down about why you are absolutely committed to achieving this goal within a year. Why is this compelling ? What will you gain by achieving it? What would you miss out on if you did`nt achieve it? Are these reasons strong enough to actually get you follow through? If not. Either come up with a better goal or better reasons.

Goals alone can inspire, but knowing the deepest reasons for why you want them in the first place can provide you with the long-lasting drive and motivation necessary to persist and achieve.

REMEMBER!! Your WHY have to make you CRY!

Tomorrow I will follow up to tell you more about the Career, business and economic goals.

By then have a wonderful day with a lot of love and fun!!

Live today as it were your last!,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Video of the day!!

Hi everyone,

Today has been yet another day of awesomeness. A lot of opportunities or "Problems" as a lot of people are calling them. Well it is your choice anyway what to call them.

Today I`ve enjoyed the beautiful sunny Manitoba. A lot of sun warm and beautiful. I love my life and every day I wake up with who I think is the worlds most extraordinary person in the world my wife Quinn.

When it comes to one of the first thins to stop us from getting where we want are something called excuses you might heard some of them:
  1. It will be difficult
  2. It`s going to be risky
  3. It will take a long time
  4. There will be family drama
  5. I don`t deserve it
  6. It`s not my nature
  7. I can`t afford it

  8. No one will help me
  9. It has never happened before
  10. I`m not strong enough
  11. I`m not smart enough
  12. I`m too old (or old enough)
  13. The rules won`t let me
  14. It`s too big
  15. I don`t have the energy
  16. It`s my personal history
  17. I`m too busy
  18. I`m too scared

If you had said any of this things you definately have to read Wayne Dyers book: Excuses begone witch tells us that all of these sentences are Excuses that you can get rid of!!!

Stop eliminating your excuses!! And start living a excuse free life achieving a lot more than you could imagine in your wildest dreamed of.

Listen to what Wayne have to say!:

Good luck on getting rid of your excuses! It will help you go a lot faster forward towards your goal!

Have a great week,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

lørdag 22. mai 2010

Hi everyone,

Today has been yet another great day of my life. WOW why am I so lucky? Because I chose to be happy and enjoy every single day of my life. It is that simple :) I truly have enjoyed this day, we even had sun today when it were supposed to be rain and thunderstorms. That is so great. Not only that but today I were able to get to know "my extended family" better. It was truly enjoyable.

I would say to you if you feel a little down today. I comes a day tomorrow where I can chose to be happy. I can rule my own Kingdom.

Here is a little something for us procrasinator`
s. Yes, I am one of them too. Hehe.. But I have a lot less of it compared to what I had 4 years from now:)

“We must become the change we want to see.” –Mahatma Gandhi


During difficulties, people often look at their circumstances and feel that they have no power to change things. Usually, they will either complain, or simply do nothing. Just as it only takes one candle to illuminate the darkness, those solitary individuals who choose to do something become instruments of change. You may feel that your actions don’t matter. You may feel that you can’t possibly make a difference. You may feel that it is pointless to try to improve things. But, you are one. All that is needed to change the world is one person taking action. As we take the first step, we set the wheels of change into motion. By doing what is right, standing up for our beliefs, and speaking out, we make the world a better place. Be a light for others so that they can become inspired to improve the world around them.
What SOMETHING are you going to do TODAY?

Live every day as it were your last,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

What do you currently Eat?

Here is a little something to think about when it comes to our future and what you are currently eating.

Jamie Oliver is very passionate to help people in US how to go away from all the bad prosessed food and start making their own food.

A very important topic when it comes to meet your goal.

Here is his winning speech at TED.

fredag 14. mai 2010

Daily Habits of Super Achievers

Here is a short list of some of the parts of your daily activities you need to do.
Wake up at the same time everyday

Read & meditate on Positive Affirmations

Exercise- Cardio (heart) & Strength Training (metabolism & muscles)

Read/Listen to a personal development book (chapter or pages)

Keep in touch with people

Focus on how you can contribute to others

Genuinrly Compliment

Smile & Laugh often

Have a wonderful day,

John Thore Stub Sneisen
Live every day as it is your last.

torsdag 13. mai 2010

Video of the day!!

Here is a new video of the day. Dani Johnson. A great teacher :) She is a great success in life. Take Action in life!!

Have a awesome day,

John Thore Stub Sneisen

Follow up on what to do to become successful.

Hi Everyone,

Here is a little followup on My what do you need to do to become successful:

Is Your Success Being Limited By Ghosts?

Seem like a strange question? Well perhaps not so strange.

Who could these ghosts be? They are the ghosts of FEAR!

Fear of Poverty

Fear of Critisism

Fear of Ill Health

Fear of loss of Love

Fear of Old Age

Fear of Death

At first glance, you may say no, not me. However analyse yourself carefully. These ghosts reside in your subconcious mind. Sometimes very well concealed. Although they may not be evident, they will influence your decisions, and hold you back dramatically. It is a fact that every human suffers from one or more of these fears at some time. Some are plagued by all 6.

Nothing will repel your potential business partners faster than negativity, and these fears all give off negativity. But take heart. Nature gave us humans complete control over but one thing, and that is our minds. And since that is where these fears reside, you can determine whether you will rule the fear OR the fear will rule you.

Have a awesome day,

John Thore Stub Sneisen
Enjoing every day of my life

lørdag 8. mai 2010

Wisdom from my Mentor Darren Hardy!

Hi everyone,

right now I am hanging out at my favorite place. Starbucks on Ellice in Winnipeg.
Lately I have been thinking about the CORE factors that successful people have that none successful people have`nt or dear not to have.

First! What is your BHAG? My Big Adatious Hairy Goal is to help a 1000 people all over the world to reach their goals and dreams.

There I shared it. Is it Big? Yes. Is it something that is possible? Maybe some would say most would say that is too much. I would say It is possible and I will do it!!!!!

Let me tell you about the X-Factor people are looking for the "easier way to become successful".
The X-Factor will multiply your results 2, 3, 5 up to ten times or more if you start doing it.

First lets take away your excuses. I were never born to become successful. Yes you were!! What is the difference between you getting born and someone who become successful got born? The answer is nothing! NOTHING!?!?!? that is not true the world is not that fair. Yes, you were born with the same possibilities as someone who are successful it is YOU that were responsible for becoming and being where you are right now.
Stop being so unfair to me! I am not unfair that is the truth.

Well you might say there are so many variables to balance it is so hard.

Lets take a look at them:
  1. Health
  2. Relationships
  3. Money
  4. Business/JOB
Here you have the for reasons why you are not successful. No, it is not that easy to blame everything around you. You and only you were born to Greatness.
You are 100% responsible for your choices and for the people around you.
Your NETWORTH in any of the four places is worth your
SELFWORTH. It is that simple!

No matter what happens in your life it is your own responsibility. What happens to you are a cause of your own Actions.

If you want to have more in life you have to become more. For your circumstances to change you need to change your inputs. Who are you listening to every day?
If you start a race in your life your life will RACE with you.

Lets take a look at some of the attributes you need to have in life to become a successful person in any part of life.

Integrity, Confidence, Caring, Visonary, Disiplin, Hard Working, Goal Getter, Humble, Perceverence, Passion, Character, Persistant and knowlageable.

10 of these are Attitudes. What do you think is most improtant?

The Greatest of all attitudes is Passion!
Have you ever met a passionate person? They usually lights up the room when the come in and people get attracted to their ATTITUDE.

How Do I inite my own Passion?
What are the reasons why you are doing what you are doing?
What is the Meaning and perpose of your goal(dream)?

This is some very important questions you should ask yourself.

Lets take a quick look at how attitudes shapes our lifes:

Lets take a quick look at what you are currently inputing into your life?

Would you drink this water???
Or would you rather drink this Glass of water.

Think about it. It is pretty obvious isn`t it?

How much TV do you watch in a day? You love the News? Have you seen a lot of positive news lately? I have`nt. Thats also because I don`t watch TV :) But when we watch the news it is mostly Death, Tragedy, War and Illness.

It is like poring down the glass of dirty water. Do you want to do that? Or would you rather consider drinking fresh clear water? You are shaping your life by what you are putting into it.
Would you now rather read a great personal development book or a CD or a DVD rather that watch the news??

You might have been drinking the dirty water for a long time and say there is no way that I can get rid of that water. Well, Do an experiment at home. Fill a glass with Dirty water, then you start filling it with fresh clear water. Do this for a while. Does the dirty water get clearer? YES.
It is the same way with your mind. Start filling your mind with great things dont dump garbage into it.

There are 2 Ways to manage your mind:

  • Input - Go on a low information diet. Pour a little clear water everyday into your dirty glass of water. Stop Watching TV and read newspapers.

  • Envirenoment - Who push you in the right direction that you want to go. Who is pulling you down and dragging you away from where you want to be?
  • People - Your 5 closest friends and the people you hang with are mostly a mirror of yourself.


  • For evry $1 you put into personal development you get around $20 dollars on the bottomline.
  • Your personal development is you!
  • Remember that most people are not mentally or emotionally prepared to become successful in life.
  • There are over 5000 books on personal development every year. You have to be the one to lead and go through them and find the best one for you and the people you want to help around you.

The 3 Greatest Secrets to Super Achievement:

The 3 CORE components are:

1. Learn to LOVE failure. Someone said, "the Key to success is massive failure".

Start Purshue failure on daily bases. The more you fail at what you do the better you become at it and the more successful you become. Dear to start to swing the pendulum. If you never swing it you will never experiens either of the sides and be comfortable. But to succeed in anything you must start swinging and doing something or else you will continue stay were you currently are.

2. Consistency. Wins every time!
Start doing something every day towards reaching your goal.
Lets imagine you have a waterwell with a waterpump attached to it. If you pump once you will not get any water. Some people would stop there! Why? No water = No result?
Well if you ever have tried to use a old pump like that you should know that it takes more than one pump of the handle to get water out of it. If you start from scratch you might have to pump several hundered times. Suddenly it starts to drip water out of the pump. Is that all??? I quit!!
Well that is what the most of the remaining people would do. If I got water starting to drip I would get pretty excited if I were thirsty :) I would pump more and more until the water starts pouring out. I finally did it you say and you stop. Well then the water stops running. There we lose the rest. Now only 1% have the courage to pump a little now and then to be able to make the water continue flushing out of the pump. Now when you made it you might have to pump the handle every now and then to have a continous stream of water. The last 1% that made it this far are so excited and the continue pump a little every now and then forever.

Dedicate yourself first to one year with consistency. If you make it through 1 year there will not be very hard to continue with consistency for 2, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 years.
Consistency will be the second step towards becoming a super achiever.

3. Success is a simple formula:

  1. Decide what you want?
  2. Learn the formula. Dozen fundamentals that we talked about earlier. The attitudes.
  3. Figure out what skills you need: Books, Tools, Magazines and Seminars.
  4. Practise, Practise, Practise, Practise.................................................
  5. Mastry. Have Patience! Mastery will take you around aprox. 10.000 hours with dedication. Or. around 7 years.
What are you kidding me???????? I don`t want to spend that much time on something!!
Well you are now aware of what super achievers do! If you want to become successful you have to follow what Darren Hardy have tought me. It is that simple.

Now you have the formula for why you are not successful yet. Take action and you will become successful.

When people ask me if are you sure you want to do that. Isn`t that a little to much to swallow?
Think about it as climbing a mountain. Those who climb Mount Everest do you think they had people tell them they were crazy? Yes of course there were people saying things like: Can`t you climb a smaller mountain one that isnt that high? Can`t you instead climb a mountain that you would be able to reach the top without problems??? Then I have something to tell those people! : I Will climb that mountain whatever it takes. Either you will see me wave from the top or find me dead reaching the top!!!!

That is the statement of a coming Champion! Become one and give everything you have the possibility to become!!

That is what I have to say about how to become successful. Hope you take the advantage as I am taking in whatever goal or business you want to Master.

For a great worksheet book to read go to!!:
Get the insight of What Darren Hardy teach and become a Master!!

I will do whatever it takes to help you if you have questions and I am going to do whatever it takes to reach My BHAG!! Will you reach your BHAG!?!?

Have a wonderful day,
John Thore Stub Sneisen
Entrepreneur and Visonary
Love life!!

Darren Hardy = INTEGRITY!

This is a message to everyone that want to reach their goals and dreams. Darren Hardy is one of my GREAT mentors and a person that have so much integrity that all that get to talk or to meet him should be grateful that they were able to do it :)

I have taken his course at the start of this year and are dedicated to reach my goals whatever it takes. Darren will help you know what you need to know to become successful.

I will talk about some of the things he learned me in my next Article.

I wish you a wonderful 2010. May you take action and make your dreams come true.

onsdag 5. mai 2010

Video of the day!

Hi everyone,

here is a video that I wanted to share with you all. Hope you enjoy it and get to understand how important it is to be grateful for what you also currently have in your life. For it is first when you are aware of what to be grateful for you understand how important gratefulness is in your life.

Ask someone who is very successful in something if they are grateful for something. They could probably go on for hours.

Have a awsome day and I am grateful to share this video with you.