torsdag 13. mai 2010

Follow up on what to do to become successful.

Hi Everyone,

Here is a little followup on My what do you need to do to become successful:

Is Your Success Being Limited By Ghosts?

Seem like a strange question? Well perhaps not so strange.

Who could these ghosts be? They are the ghosts of FEAR!

Fear of Poverty

Fear of Critisism

Fear of Ill Health

Fear of loss of Love

Fear of Old Age

Fear of Death

At first glance, you may say no, not me. However analyse yourself carefully. These ghosts reside in your subconcious mind. Sometimes very well concealed. Although they may not be evident, they will influence your decisions, and hold you back dramatically. It is a fact that every human suffers from one or more of these fears at some time. Some are plagued by all 6.

Nothing will repel your potential business partners faster than negativity, and these fears all give off negativity. But take heart. Nature gave us humans complete control over but one thing, and that is our minds. And since that is where these fears reside, you can determine whether you will rule the fear OR the fear will rule you.

Have a awesome day,

John Thore Stub Sneisen
Enjoing every day of my life

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