mandag 25. oktober 2010

How to live a life with not expecting anything back.

Hi everyone,

I have`nt given you any blogs for a little while, but I had some time to sit down in the sofa at my In-law and wanted to share something with you that are important in any relationship you have in your life either it is a professional or your family and friends relationships.

So how can you create a life where you don`t expect any thing back from anyone else? What about your relationship with your Spouse, fiancè or boy/girlfriends? I want love back from them. I will not feel great if they don`t give me anything back.
What about at work? Why should`nt I get things back from my co-workers?

Let me tell you something:

If you give 100% of yourself without expecting anything back you will give so much of yourself that people will appreciate it and you are destined to get back when you give of yourself! Have you ever heard of the Law of Giving? By giving to others whatever it is time, money or your relationship you will get back 10 folds. This is a law that works every day 24 hours a day 365 days a year without exception you will receive back for what you give to others.

Some simple tips of giving:
  • Open the door for someone
  • Smile to someone
  • Say I love you
  • Tell you how good they look today
  • I really appreciate you as a customer
  • Give your time to volunteering
  • Give someone a hug
  • Send someone a letter
  • Love someone with your heart when you walk into a room
  • Always let people ask you questions
  • Always take your time to talk with people who look up to you
  • Tell someone that you are thankful for that they are in your life
There are many ways to give unconditionally of yourself! You just have to choose to become one of them! It is all about choice and taking action!!

To live a life with a expectancy of not getting anything back you will feel a lot of things that you are giving will come back in tenfold. You will start to become so grateful that you want to go down on your knees in gratitude.

Now how can you start to do it. How can you start living a life full of potential. Well do the mentioned above and you will see your life will transform gradually from day to day. Until your day becomes so full of receiving that you are amazed. Well that is the power of giving to other people.

By giving 100% without expecting anything back you will become a leader. People will look up to you and start following you and they will be doing what you do because someone thave to start it and they become the first leader and they will get people following them and they will become leaders!

That is how we can change the world one person at the time with the Attitude of giving a 100% self without expecting anything back.
So lets go out and change the world 100% of the time!!!

Have a wonderful week everyone!

John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)
Live, Love and ENJOY your life everyday!

onsdag 13. oktober 2010

How to persevere through the valleys of your life

Hi everyone,

I am sitting at Starbucks again and what a yet another beautiful day it has been. I am amazed. I am more in love with life today then I were yesterday and are truly enjoying every single moment of breath I can take. I am alive and are enjoying it to the fullest.

I hope for those of you that are from North America that you had a great Thanks Giving Weekend! Giving thanks is essential to your life. Instead of making that one day your thanksgiving day make every day a day of Gratitude and thanking for what you have in life and what you have accomplished so far.

Today I were thinking about my roller coaster ride through life so far. And I want to talk to you about perseverance and how it will change your life!

Here is the dictionary description of the word perseverance:



[pur-suh-veer-uhns] Show IPA
steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state,etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, ordiscouragement.
Theology . continuance in a state of grace to the end,leading to eternal salvation.
Origin: 1300–50; ME perseveraunce < MF perseverance < Lpersevērantia. See persevere, -ance

I have finally understood what it means to persevere in something to succeed.

"To persevere is to commit to do something for as long as it takes until you are successful at it"

I have great excitement about it and I got to know that my perseverance will continue until I have reach my final destination in life when I leave this earth for good.

So lets tell quickly my story about my perseverance in my business.

I started in my company for soon 5 years ago. When I started I had to make a list of people that I know.
That list consisted of 20 people. Not very many, but I never gave up. I got thought personal development.
If it were not for personal development I would probably have quit my business for a long time ago.

It took me 1 year to recruit the first person in my business. I got super excited and he had people that he found and quickly I thought I were on the road to financial freedom. I got lots of people in my business and hundreds of customers. My excitement went through the roof. Well 5 months after it happened I lost almost all of it again.
"Every single journey starts with a single step. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and then you will reach your destination"

I were back to scratch again!

I told myself that okey I lost it all, but this is such a great opportunity I don`t want to quit. What if I try it out for another year. Well I got lucky again a year after and got a new recruit in my business. He have`nt done to much since. Then for soon 3 year ago I met my wife. She became involved in my business and I were really happy. I am working hard every day, but NO, NO, NO seemed to haunt me until I learned go for no and how to follow up properly with people.

I started really learning the skills and attitudes necessary to become successful in what I do!

Well after 1 year I had someone contact me. I got super excited, but at that time he could not do the business where he lived. Well by persevere and building a great relationship with that person I might have secured my financial future for the rest of my life and there are more to come.

When I have seen successful people quit in my business I were sometimes asking myself why should not I quit, but something in my un conscious mind held me back from quitting on my dream.

So I see the Compounding effect of my choices in life is starting to catch up with me in a great way. Do a little a day towards your goal and you will see tremendous results 1, 3, 5, 10 or more years down the road and you will reach your goals.

To persevere through all of the downturns I had in my business have been hard. There were so many hundred reasons for quitting on my dream!

  1. To hard
  2. It`s never going to be me
  3. Only 5% succeed
  4. I lost all my business
  5. I don`t know any more people
  6. I am a loser I should quit
  7. Why don`t you just quit your job and give up on that business it is too risky!

I don`t like too much negativity and it were hard finding them because now I am only looking for possibilities.

Look for possibilities not problems.
Look for ways around the obstacle and don`t give up.
Look for the light at the end of the tunnel.
If there is a wall run through it.
Never, never, never quit!
The number one reason for why people fail is quitting. 90% in fact.
Know that it will be a emotional roller coaster.
Life will never be a constant upswing.
Become a massive failure to acquire massive success in what you do!
Passion takes over when you give up.
Use affirmations. I will be a successful business man from day one.
Tell yourself that you are a success!!

There is a list of millions of ideas that will help you through the deep valleys of life. I use quotes now as my inspiration to go through the day with the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

There is an abundance of what you want and you will acquire it if you persevere.

"90% of failure comes from Quitting" -Paul J. Meyer
I wish you all a wonderful and incredible day,

John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)
Live, love and ENJOY every single day of your life!

tirsdag 12. oktober 2010

Video of the day!!

Learn about T. Harv Eker`s Mastermind Millionaire Seminars. They will change your way of thinking forever!!
Have a awesome day!!

onsdag 6. oktober 2010

Video of the day!!

Here is a montage with quotes and great insights from Don Miguel Ruiz`s book The Four Agreements.

The four Agreements

Hi everyone,

I am sitting at Starbucks again and are enjoying the darkness and all the beautiful lights outside. I have a lot of fun at Starbucks meeting new people all the time. Today I learned a lot about farming from a Farmer and a business owner. He were definitely an interesting person to talk to!

Today I used the Law of Attraction again! For those who don`t know what it is. Here is a quick overview. The Law of Attraction is basically what you think you receive! Well you have to do usually some actions in between. I got a great new book that I read a little of called The four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Read it. It will change the way you look at how you live your life and do business with other people!!

It is called a Practical guide to Personal Freedom.
"Don Miguel Ruiz`s book is a road-map to enlightenment and freedom" - Deepak Chopra

I am just going to share a very quick overview over the Four Agreements because the rest will be up to you to get going and read the book. I am amazed by the massive amount of rich content this tiny little book have.

So here they are the four agreements:
  • Be Impeccable with your word.
Speak with Integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

  • Don`t take anything personally.
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dreams. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you wont be the victim of needless suffering.
  • Don`t make assumptions.
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transfer your life.

  • Always do your best.
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do the best, and you will avoid self-judgement, self-abuse and regret.

So that is the Four agreements. Just with that little information you can change your life forever. Always look more into and learn more about the four agreements by buying the book and read it now!!

So let`s start living with the four agreements!! And go for great and spread the word to all people around the world!!

Have a fantastic day!

John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)
Live, love and ENJOY every single day of your life!!

Video of the day!!

Will Smith on positive thinking!

tirsdag 5. oktober 2010

You are one Choice away from an extraordinary life

Hi everyone,

Hope all of you are having an incredible time! I definitely do. What a great time to live in Winnipeg in Canada!! Today I have been busy working on building my business getting incredible service from a friend of mine that work at a Collision repair center, met my wife for dinner and now I am following up on my future!

I am so happy to be alive! I have to thank myself for some of the scary choices I have made so far. They have paid off and are making me want to make more of them on daily bases!

Today I want to talk to you about the choices you are taking on daily bases and how fast you can get on track with the future you desire!

Choices are important and wrong choices can really mess up your life if you let one choice bring you to a new one. It is a vicious cycle that you can get trapped in! I have been there and done that. I got out of sync with my true self and got caught up in a series of very bad choices that brought me close to my extinction literally!

Through going through the roller coaster mentally and physically I have found out that letting that Roller coaster catch me off guard in a loop or a quick fall down I have found out that you should study how a roller coaster works. A roller coaster is usually simple after falling down it always comes up and then goes down again.

Prepare yourself for the roller coaster! Get to know that there will be loops, quick turns, ups and downs. By choosing your thoughts more wisely you can can be more prepared to the roller coaster of life!
Here is some examples of incredible choices that you can choose to go for that will change your life forever:
  1. I choose to live every day as it were the last day of my life.
  2. I choose to give 110% of myself in my relationship without wanting anything back.
  3. I choose to share love with everyone I meet today.
  4. Today is going to be an incredible day!
  5. Today I choose to give my wife roses and write her a letter.
  6. Today I will set goals for my future and take a few steps towards achieving them today!
  7. I will become an entrepreneur.
  8. I will have the day of my life.
  9. Today I will take several actions towards my goals and dreams.
  10. I will only go for the best life have to offer.
  11. Today I will help someone!
  12. Today I will give from my knowledge to someone.
  13. Today I will give someone a compliment.
  14. Today I will invest into my financial independence.
  15. Life is fantastic and I will make someone smile today.
  16. I will write down what I am grateful for today.
  17. I will kiss my wife, girlfriend, boyfriend and partner 50 times today.
  18. I will tell my wife or husband I love him at least 10 times today.
  19. Today I will read that book that will help me develop that skill or attitude I am looking for.
  20. I am blessed to be alive.
  21. I will work to find my purpose in life!

There are hundreds of thought choices that you can make that will make a huge difference in your life. This choices will not be a onetime one day choice you will after taking that first choice continue to take millions of first choices that can bring you to failure or success.
"Life is a series of choices. Today yours are good ones!" - My Chinese fortune cookie from yesterday!

I am truly blessed to find out that what I choose to do in my life ie. my thoughts will give me an outcome in life either it is a bad or a good choice that you made.
Your awareness of this can help you make a lot of those positive choices that can bring you to places you never thought were possible!
I am always looking for to help people, give them a smile, share some wisdom from any of the books, audio or Video materials I am constantly learning new things from.

Make yourself a positive thinker a positive choice maker! Positive thoughts will lead you in positive life directions.

If it were not for all of my positive choices the last 4 years of my life I would never dear to be where I am today. Hundreds of thousands of positive "choices" thoughts that have formed my life and continues to unfold my life in front of me every day!

Positive actions in marriage can make it really magical!! I have chosen to make my wife feel like a princess every day for the rest of her life.
The actions I take is so simple yet laziness can easily kill that.

Here is what I personally do:
I kiss her at least 100 times a day! Say I love her 10+ times a day. Always say that you are a 10! No one else than yourself can bring you down from being a ten. Saying you are beautiful. Saying that she is amazing. Giving her compliments. Caress her. Look at her as she is the worlds sexiest most beautiful woman you have ever seen. Hug her at any occasion. Especially when she is busy in the house. Give her a letter often. Write what makes her amazing. Tickle her. Make her laugh. Be yourself 110%. Find out what she loves and do that to her.

There are hundreds more things you can do too. I want bring up all the details :)
I feel like I am in a real fairytale. We are so in love and love to play and be silly. People are always making fun of us for being or doing stuff like that. Please don`t listen.
Give your relationship 110% and make the person you are together with smile!

You are born into this world! Lets make the time here a blast! Positive thoughts and choices will make your life incredible and fun!

"You are born into this world a 10. You will leave this world a 10. No one but yourself can tell you that you are less than a 10." John Thore

Start sharing this passion with people all over the world! This is words and thought patterns that can change a human beings life forever!! If they use it the right way!!

Have a faboulus week and make every day a goal to make great choices!!!

John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)
Live, love and laugh! Every day!

lørdag 2. oktober 2010

Video of the day!!

A little follow up on my latest blog. The best way to go from the E and the S side of the Quadrant to the B is through the business of the 21st century. Listen to what Robert T. Kiyosaki explains in this video!

The business of the 21st Century!

Hi everyone,

I am sitting here in beautiful Winnipeg in Manitioba. I am truly blessed to be alive today. I am able to talk to people all day and meet new and exciting people every single day.

Lately me and my wife were able to reach 2 big goals and we love it. So we have set some more and bigger goals :D

I want to share you some information I have read about in a book called "the business the 21st century" by Robert T. Kiyosaki Americas Rich DAD!

If you like the presentation you see take some time to meet the people who do the education and training to get to know who they are, what they stand for and where they are going.

  1. When choosing a company "in the business of the 21st century" to work with, the product or service is not the most important consideration!
  2. Who is running the ship?
  3. Does the company offer a proven action plan?
  4. Does the company both embrace both business skills and personal development as a regular part of its education and training programs?
  5. Does the company have a strong, high-quality, and highly marketable product or service that you can become passionate about?

Who is running the Ship?

To many people when they look at this kind of business they choose to look at the products, pay plan or promotion to judge the company.

This is definitely not the right way to do it. Skip all of that and instead research rather the founders of the company or the people who currently leads it. One of the ways to do this is to go to their conventions they put on. Are the founders there is the first question. What are the founders vision and integrity? The most important question of them all is do they have any experience doing what they currently do?

A lot of people who promote it is saying that the big money is for the people who get in first. That is simply not true.

Robert: Not only is it not true, but it is plain stupid! The majority of businesses fail their first year or two in business and that also includes the businesses of the 21st century.

Look for the strong viable companies that have been running for 3- 35 years with a strong integrity and reputation.

Does the company offer a proven action plan?

Most viable and lucrative companies with the most integrity will not accept that you try to change anything or try to reinvent the wheel! Instead it offers proven plans for actions needed to be taken to help you create the success you are after.

Ie. They would have daily or weekly plans for you if you want to go for great. Some companies will give great tools such as an personalized web page to share info and educate your prospects. They also have tools available as printed flyers, CD`s, DVD`s that are necessary tools for one that are in the business of the 21st century!

Does the company embrace both Business Skills and Personal Development as a regular part of it`s training and educational programs?

Look if they have great CD`s, DVD`s, live teleconferences, and webinars and yes do the have a library available for you? And probably the most important do they have Live events? Even in the internet age there are something really powerful at being present at one of these events, something that no other medium can replace!!

You have to find the companies that put a strong focus on their annual, quarterly, monthly events. The great things about this events is usually you will be trained by the best representatives in your company on how the do it.

Does the company have a strong, high-quality, and highly marketable product line or services that you can become passionate about?

Even if this is not number one priority when you look for a business of the 21st century it is truly important that the product or service that you promote have a excellent quality and something that are about to go out to the critical mass of people? Or high quality.

The product and services that people get really excited about are the best ones because it will create a BUZZ about it. That is why the businesses of the 21st century grow fast if they have a great product or great services to provide people that people will get excited about!

The word BUZZ does not mean Hype. We are talking about genuine qualities and attributes. Your product really have to be the real deal!

The question is is there a strong market for your product or service? Is it something that will appeal to the vast majority of people? Is it priced competitively? Do you believe in the products or services value and will you use it personally? Does it have a great story to tell?

When you are genuinely excited about a product or service you`re sharing with others, they`ll be more likely to become excited about it too!!!

So go out there and look for the business of the 21st Century now you know what to look for!! And read more at .

Also take time to read my blog too at:

Have an incredible day full of fun!!

John Thore Stub Sneisen

Proud to be in a business of the 21st century!!!