tirsdag 15. juni 2010

How to bring certain things into your life!

Hi everyone,

Hope you have had a awesome week and truly enjoyed your life with great friends, family and met a lot of very interesting people or changed someones life by sharing some of your life changing insights. I have met so many interesting people lately. I looks like I have become a magnet of interesting people that have something great that they are up to. So I have really met people that literally have altered my path a little which is beyond exciting.

When you think positive your life will rapidly start changing the direction of the life in which where your current thoughts! Thoughts are a super powerful tool. "What you think you will become" Thoughts are so powerful that everything that is today were and started as a thought. Things are thoughts evolved through action into reality.

So think a little! What king of thoughts have I been thinking today? Are these thoughts moving me closer to where I want to be or are they sabotaging me to go to my goal? Ask yourself that every day and you will start to become aware of the reality that your thoughts are creating your current path.

Also be aware of that thoughts that you have had have got you where you are today. That is great though if you have arrived at a great place, but If you don`t that is fine too. Just accept your current reality, but tell yourself that you are now aware of that what you think you become so you will constantly make sure that you will give yourself positive input.

A way of positive input is affirmations tell yourself how successful you will be say I am on my way to create an abundance of wealth and happiness in my life. Another way is to read books on personal development that will send you in the right direction of what skills you need to develop or what you want to aquire. An example is that you want to invest. Read a book on investing! You want to learn more how you can attract things that you want into your life read books on The Law Of Attraction.
This is not things that you have to do in your extra time, just stop watching that 1 hour of TV a day and then you have`nt added more time you have just replaced something that are not getting you where you want with a habit that will get you closer to where you want.

Remember Knowledge is power. Leaders are readers. So that is one of the more smarter things to do also you can attend seminars that will help you get hands on experience with the skill you need to aquire.

So today find your path by reading my blogs on how to take steps towards your goals and start doing the exercises to become a goal achieving machine.

Abundance in everything is there for the taking it is up to you to take the steps towards it to achieve your goals and dreams!!

Hope that were some good insight for you and that you can apply some of the things I talked about. Together lets shoot for the moon at least you will hit the starts if you miss!!

Have a wonderful day everyone and love your life and find your true passion!

John Thore Stub Sneisen (c)

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