tirsdag 16. mars 2010

Define your Why!

Hi everyone,

Let me tell you all a little about myself. I am a 26 year old guy from Norway now living in Canada to chase my ultimate goals and dreams.

For just 5 years ago my life where pretty messy. I had a lot of issues and my life where far of track. I had a big depression were in a poisonous relationship and were at a tipping point in my life to choose to either dig a deeper hole or start climbing up the hole I had dug for years that were pretty deep.

I were "lucky" to be introduced to something life changing back then. Through that I have learned the tools to use to change my life around completely!

It might be sounding easy, but It takes something tough inside of you to change yourself when you are that far down the hole.

I have met a lot of great influences in my life and had a lot of life changing moments.

I have learned how to love life and how the power of thought will change your life when you are ready for it.

In this BLOG I will go through a lot of different parts of Personal Development.

I truly LOVE the way Personal Development helps us as humans elevate our thoughts and make sure that we stay at the forefront of our life`s so we can become our true self and chase our passions in life.

I have found mine and that is to help people achieve their dreams and goals. In fact I have a goal to help 1000 people no matter where they are all over the world to reach their own goals and dreams and motivate them to find their true passion in their life.

I will write a little everyday to make sure you as the reader of this blog will learn something new everyday to be able to change your life bit by bit.

I am very excited today as this is my first time starting to BLOG about my passion and I also hope to meet like minded people from all over the world to also help me grow and become the very best I can be.

Humans have a tremendous potential!!! Lets start tapping into it and make us do our very best everyday to make sure we can help as many people around the world as possible!

Have an Awesome day everyone,

John Thore Stub Sneisen
Be at your very best EVERYDAY

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