Look at this quick Video about Integrity and start living it now. You will be amazed to how it would feel to talk with integrity.
The Steps to Achieve your ultimate dream. What do you need to do to get where you want?
tirsdag 21. september 2010
Commit to Integrity
Hi everyone,
I am sitting on Starbucks Again :)
Today is yet another wonderful day full of opportunities and problems to solve. I just simply love how my life are constantly changing to the better every day. The more truer I speak to myself the greater I feel.
Today I want to share with you all something I am building my life upon!
I am sitting on Starbucks Again :)
Today is yet another wonderful day full of opportunities and problems to solve. I just simply love how my life are constantly changing to the better every day. The more truer I speak to myself the greater I feel.
Today I want to share with you all something I am building my life upon!
Integrity has become a word that has become more and more worth in this life. If you build your whole life around that 9 letter word it will bring fortune and attract magic into your life.
People love people that have high integrity. Who would you like to do business with? People and businesses with high Integrity. Who would you trust? People of integrity.
What is integrity?
- 6 dictionary resultsin·teg·ri·ty
[in-teg-ri-tee] Show IPA–noun
adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moralcharacter; honesty.
the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished: to preservethe integrity of the empire.
a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition: the integrity of aship's hull.
—Antonyms 1. dishonesty.
There you got the definition. You see the Antonym is Dishonesty. What a coincidence.
It is to funny that most of us live with very little integrity in our life. Integrity is DOING WHAT YOU SAY.
A simple rule to increase your integrity very fast is: Not lie anymore, give people all the information that they need when you do business with the. Not like a car salesman that when you are interested in a car you end up with a lot higher price for the car that they initially say.
A great example I can come with is the Canadian shops. Their tags say a price. When I first came here I were used to no added fees or taxes on the prices I saw. Everything is without taxes. Why just not make it simple for people to just add that tax. Yes you might want to show how much the gov. take in taxes, but you would make it so much easier to just put the full price and make it a lot simpler.
Well I provide a service here in Canada. I am upfront with all the taxes! That is so easy and takes very little to do. And people say is there any more costs to it. NO thats it. Thats how business should run. Be upfront. Don`t tell people after they have decided to buy. Well it is easier to sell, but integrity no.
Just stop telling little white lies all the time. Just be honest a 100% of the time and see how people start look up to you. People want to deal with honest people with high integrity. Even people that are bad integrity vice will still want to do business with honest people with high integrity.
Just stop making excuses and histories about something you try to cover up. Do you know how much energy it takes to cover up your reason for saying no to someone. It is crazy what people are willing to do to not tell the truth.
People that start telling the truth will be very happy when they understand that they can use all the energy wasted on making excuses and lies on focus on other things instead of lying to people. And stop blaming all others and instead see what can I do to get it done right now!!!
So lets start TALKING THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH as they say in the court system :)
Have a wonderful day and free up your energy for more greater purposes and focus on telling the truth and building our integrity with other people.
John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)
Live, love and laugh through your life with integrity!
fredag 17. september 2010
Video of the day!!
Hi everyone!
I recently spoke to you all about the 212 attitude. Here is the video that motivated me to build my life on the 212 Attitude!
The 212 Attitude!
Hi everyone,
I am finally back!! Sorry for the waiting. I have been so busy moving, building my financial future and making our home look great. I am so excited about life now. It is always smiling to me and have started giving back to me what I give. What a great combination! In my business I call my team TEAM 212. Team 212 comes from the concept of water at 211 degrees Fahrenheit it will do nothing, but turn up the temperature to 212 degrees Fahrenheit! AND the magic happens water that did nothing starts boiling and creates steam! Well steam can power a locomotive! That is incredible from doing nothing to explode into energy it took just a little extra.
Join the 212 Attitude team!
So today I will be talking about the 212 Attitude and why it is so super important for reaching your goals and dreams!
Think about it What does top achievers do different than anybody else? I`ll phrase Paul J. Mayer one of the most important people in Personal Development history! "ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING!" He have a sign with him saying attitude is everything! That is impressive. Not only that, but Paul has a incredible look at winning. He goes in to competitions thinking he is unbeatable and you know what he has never lost any competition he have entered in his whole life! That show have strong beliefs he have in himself.
Paul Set a goal at age fifty that he did`nt want to show to anyone. He made a goal to make more money between age 70-80 than through any decade in his life. He did it and he is making a lot more than he ever thought of.
That is just one of the 10`s of 100`s amazing stories I have listened to the last month. I just love personal development. It can make people to a top achiever. It does not take much either! It could just be one word or a sentence that could change and alter a persons life forever. It could just be that little knowledge that you needed to get over the bump on the road you are currently on now in your life.
The 212 attitude is something like this and I will tell you about a friend of mines slogan for his company! I love it! "We start where others give up" -Ken Dammermann. Well not only does his slogan say that, but he have a passion for recovering DATA from computers. Well that is the kind of people our world needs to move forward!
Talking about taking action more than other people do. Darren Hardy have written a great book where he talks about The Compound Effect. It is the effect about doing action every single day of your life a consistent action that will take you far far ahead of any competition you have! The compound effect might not show the results right away, but by consistent actions in any part of a persons life you will end up far ahead of someone that worked hard just every now and then.
Well 212 activity is basically do what all others want do. Take action when others relax. Work when others don`t. A great example of it is someone in my company that had his best year during summer when everyone else where taking it off. That is true 212 action and belief.
Develop a 212 lifestyle! Do things that other people don`t dare to do. Give more than other people are willing to give. Love more than others would love. Be more kind than other people will. Enjoy life more than other people enjoy it. Play more than others are willing to play. Have more fun than others dare. Be yourself more than others are willing to.
The list is basically unlimited and the potential by taking 212 action is above everything that others believe.
I have taken a lot of 212 steps in my life and look where I am today. I could have settled in my job back home in Norway being comfortable. Well I am a different place today. I have a beautiful wife that I love more than anything in life. I have a beautiful house where people live that are retired. I work full time with my ultimate passion. My life are creating a lot of friends and people that move the same direction that I do and it is so much fun to be alive and dare to do things that others wont do. I am truly alive and have to thank my wife for being amazing with me and letting me pursue my passions.
I have to thank all of my mentors that are daily giving me input on where I want to be and how I have to be with other people that I meet and bring into my life.
I recommend that you watch the 212 movie that I will post today and making it your habit to "Start where everybody else is giving up." Lets move forward together and stay vividly alive and create a world of no boundaries. Live Outside of the box that don`t exist. Get in touch with your true self and give where others give up.
John Thore Stub Sneisen(c)
212 Attitude is not something you do once it is a daily habit!!!
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