tirsdag 25. mai 2010

Video of the day!!

Hi everyone,

Today has been yet another day of awesomeness. A lot of opportunities or "Problems" as a lot of people are calling them. Well it is your choice anyway what to call them.

Today I`ve enjoyed the beautiful sunny Manitoba. A lot of sun warm and beautiful. I love my life and every day I wake up with who I think is the worlds most extraordinary person in the world my wife Quinn.

When it comes to one of the first thins to stop us from getting where we want are something called excuses you might heard some of them:
  1. It will be difficult
  2. It`s going to be risky
  3. It will take a long time
  4. There will be family drama
  5. I don`t deserve it
  6. It`s not my nature
  7. I can`t afford it

  8. No one will help me
  9. It has never happened before
  10. I`m not strong enough
  11. I`m not smart enough
  12. I`m too old (or old enough)
  13. The rules won`t let me
  14. It`s too big
  15. I don`t have the energy
  16. It`s my personal history
  17. I`m too busy
  18. I`m too scared

If you had said any of this things you definately have to read Wayne Dyers book: Excuses begone witch tells us that all of these sentences are Excuses that you can get rid of!!!

Stop eliminating your excuses!! And start living a excuse free life achieving a lot more than you could imagine in your wildest dreamed of.

Listen to what Wayne have to say!:

Good luck on getting rid of your excuses! It will help you go a lot faster forward towards your goal!

Have a great week,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

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