lørdag 22. mai 2010

Hi everyone,

Today has been yet another great day of my life. WOW why am I so lucky? Because I chose to be happy and enjoy every single day of my life. It is that simple :) I truly have enjoyed this day, we even had sun today when it were supposed to be rain and thunderstorms. That is so great. Not only that but today I were able to get to know "my extended family" better. It was truly enjoyable.

I would say to you if you feel a little down today. I comes a day tomorrow where I can chose to be happy. I can rule my own Kingdom.

Here is a little something for us procrasinator`
s. Yes, I am one of them too. Hehe.. But I have a lot less of it compared to what I had 4 years from now:)

“We must become the change we want to see.” –Mahatma Gandhi


During difficulties, people often look at their circumstances and feel that they have no power to change things. Usually, they will either complain, or simply do nothing. Just as it only takes one candle to illuminate the darkness, those solitary individuals who choose to do something become instruments of change. You may feel that your actions don’t matter. You may feel that you can’t possibly make a difference. You may feel that it is pointless to try to improve things. But, you are one. All that is needed to change the world is one person taking action. As we take the first step, we set the wheels of change into motion. By doing what is right, standing up for our beliefs, and speaking out, we make the world a better place. Be a light for others so that they can become inspired to improve the world around them.
What SOMETHING are you going to do TODAY?

Live every day as it were your last,
John Thore Stub Sneisen

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