fredag 19. november 2010

How to Attract great people into you life

Hi everyone,

It is definately a while ago since I last blogged. I have just been busy and have been working on business and a lot of other things in life. I just wanted to talk a little about how to create a lot of people that you want to attract into your life.

I use this method all the time and usually I get it the way I want 8 of 10 times :D

Well first you might want to attract a girlfriend or a boyfriend into your life. I used this process when I were in the military and with awesome results. I got married to an amazing woman just drawn out of my dream partner dreams.

Well how can I do it?

Well I sat down every night visualizing how my "girlfriend" at that time would be like. That was the easiest step. Then you have to take action. I were talking to about 42 girls at that time from all over the world.

It was not easy to choose, but my wife now emerged out of the crowd because of The Law of attraction! She were one out of 42, I were not sure that it was her, but she found me and when we started talking it felt like we known each other since birth :)

It is all about attracting.

First Be!(Visualize)

Do!(Take Action upon it)

Have!(Receive whatever you were wanting)

Well it sounds pretty simple, but most people fall out when they come to DO!! They Procrastinate or doubt their decision or them selves.

I have also seen myself moving to another country. Well it has happened :D I live in Canada with my new wife :D


Then second you can start attracting customers, business partners, opportunities and jobs the same way.

I have never ever got a job that I just felt that I had before. Confidence is a great part here.

Convince yourself over that you will be sure to get what you want and then act upon it and DO!

The Law of Attraction is amazing to work with.

I have met so many interesting and amazing people because I have shifted my thinking the BE! part. It is incredible important that you visualize it and then right after act upon your thought!!

I have got a incredible opportunity beside what I currently do because of it. I have attracted the right people into my life that will change the world for ever. I am so excited about it.

Remember it is very simple!!

BE! DO!! HAVE!!!

"Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it." Napoleon Hill

Have an incredible and fun weekend!!

John Thore Stub Sneisen (c)
Live, grow and Enjoy Life!!

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